Unlocking Immunity to Change

Unlocking Immunity to Change – What is it?

Have you ever been part of a change process? Perhaps you’ve lead a change process yourself. Or perhaps you’ve tried to change something about yourself. How did it go? Did it turn out as you’d hoped? The truth is that change is hard. In spite of our best intentions sometimes our best plans fall short of our greatest hopes. 

Understanding Immunity to Change (UITC) has been developed by two Harvard Professors, Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. This method has been successfully used by 1,000s of companies, teams and individuals around the world. 

The UITC process aims to enable people to accomplish specific improvements which are very important to them but have proven resistant to prior efforts. It helps people surface individual internal contradictions and operating assumptions that may be holding them back. This is accomplished via a set sequence of reflective questions, which people respond to using a special six column grid worksheet. This is used as the basis from which to transform behaviour into more helpful and productive ways of thinking and acting. It can lead to long term and sustainable changes in people and transform teams and organisations. 

This workshop will equip you to diagnose and see the path forward and to overturn your personal immunities to change. Once we see the real source of what has been preventing change, the approach guides us on a new path to successfully accomplishing the improvements we most desire. Consequently, as you continue to manage and negotiate the numerous transitions encroaching on all our lives, you will become more satisfied, successful and influential in both your personal and professional contexts.


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Susan Raphael

PO Box 699, Walkerville SA 5081

0409 697 395

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